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2021–2022 Donor Report

A Note to Our Donors from Macon Finley, Head of School
There is so much to celebrate at Ellis as we look back at the 2021–2022 school year and look ahead to 2022–2023. Our faculty, staff, students, and families pulled together beautifully during the second year of the pandemic. All students attended school in person on campus and we were able to restart so many of our favorite activities that we had missed during the previous school year. We watched our students blossom, as Ellis girls do—becoming ever more confident, curious, and connected with each other. We were particularly proud of the Class of 2022—full of exemplary scholars, artists, athletes, activists, actors, musicians, and leaders—and are so excited for the opportunities that await them at the stellar colleges and universities to which they are headed.
It’s particularly exciting to see evidence of the School’s vibrancy in our strong enrollment and fundraising. Our current student body has grown to 408—the highest enrollment in a decade—and includes a wonderfully diverse community of girls. Donations to the Ellis Fund in 2021–2022 were especially strong, with total gifts of over $700,000—a ten-year high. In addition, we were able to raise over $1.3 million to fund a long-awaited renovation of all our Middle School science labs. We are incredibly grateful to all the donors who have supported the School this year, making it possible for us to continue to recruit and retain outstanding faculty, attract and support our compelling and diverse students, and make critical improvements to our beautiful campus. 
Below you will find a donor list that reflects the Ellis community. Whether you are an alumna, current or past parent, grandparent, trustee, current or past faculty member, or simply a friend of the School, thank you for your steadfast support and belief in our mission. Your gifts have an impact on every part of our school. 

Why The Ellis Fund Matters

As with most independent schools, tuition does not fully cover the cost of each student’s dynamic and immersive education at Ellis. We rely on donations to the Ellis Fund to help make up the difference. Your gift supports students as they take risks, work collaboratively, ask questions, and pursue their dreams.

Facts & Figures

Ellis Fund by Constituent

Ellis Fund by the Numbers

Your Gift at Work

List of 8 items.

  • 1:1

    student to personal computing device ratio, ensuring every student has access to vital learning technology
  • 100%

    faculty and staff participation in ongoing professional development and growth opportunities
  • 150+

    students participate in athletics, providing a well-balanced experience that supports both mental and physical growth
  • 20+

    dynamic outside speakers share their expertise with Ellis students, empowering girls to see themselves in a wide variety of roles and professions
  • 40+

    field trips and off-campus experiences supporting robust real-world learning
  • 46%

    of families receive Tailored Tuition, facilitating a varied and diverse learning community where multiple viewpoints and lived experiences are valued
  • 6:1

    student to faculty ratio, allowing for small class sizes and deep learning relationships
  • 62%

    of faculty hold master’s degrees, encapsulating both broad and deep content knowledge
In the following lists, you will read the names of the people who contributed to a strong tradition of philanthropy by making gifts to The Ellis School. It is our pleasure to share with you these incredibly supportive community members. Thank you to all who support Ellis with their time, talent, and generosity.

* - Indicates a donor who is deceased.

2021–2022 Donor Report

Ellis Giving Societies

List of 6 items.

  • Sara Frazer Ellis Society ($100,000+)

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts of $100,000+ to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Anonymous (2)
    The Burke Family
    Patricia GRABLE Burke '46*
    Judith COHEN Callomon '54*
    Edith ELIGATOR '77 & Robert Sansom, Eligator Sansom Family Fund
  • 1916 Founder's Society ($25,000–$99,999)

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts between $25,000 and $99,999 to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Arts, Equity, & Education Fund
    Sarah ALTMAN Bumsted McSorley '95 & R.J. McSorley
    Lesley Carlin McElhattan & Josh McElhattan
    The Double Eagle Foundation
    Anne BECKER Egbert '49* 
    Macon & Peter Finley
    Dawn & Chris Fleischner, Fleischner Family Charitable Foundation
    Dora PLUMMER Magovern '01 & Paul Magovern
    Marni & Jonathan Pastor
    Elizabeth & Mike Riordan
    Barbara AARON Rosston '80
    The Rust Foundation
    Britton WEAN '02
    Susanne & R.J. Wean
  • Head of School Society ($10,000–$24,999)

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts between $10,000 and $24,999 to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Anonymous (2)
    Janet EDWARDS Anti '68
    John Block
    Paul & Dina W. Block Foundation
    DSF Charitable Foundation
    Shanan GUINN '93
    Diana DREW Harbison '70
    Andrea & Daniel Jacobowitz
    Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation
    Kristin & Richard Kalson
    Erin & Euhan Lee
    Aimee Light & Michael Happold
    Marcena WATERMAN Love '56
    Magovern Family Foundation
    Mary's Mix Fund
    Amy SUCCOP Millin '87
    Susan SCHUMACHER Morris '62 & James Morris
    Connie & Kenneth Nugent
    Charles Porter & Hilary Tyson
    Margot COPELAND Pyle '52
    Kimberly Roberts & Stanley Ference
    Sara DEUTSCH Scaife '89
    Carrie LEVINE Schiff '83, Marnie LEVINE '86, & Jaime LEVINE '92
    James M. & Lucy K. Schoonmaker Foundation
    Colleen DAILY Simonds '95 & Henry Simonds
    Juliet HILLMAN Simonds '65
    Anica REED Smith '61 & David Smith
    Susan & Robert Thibadeau
  • Arbuthnot Society ($5,000–$9,999)

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Ciervo Foundation
    Susan Allison & Patrick Koeppl
    Anita Courcoulas & Ira Gumberg
    Jenny & Justin Erickson
    Sally FLANNERY Hardon '55 & Clayton Hardon
    Lou KOTLER Levine '66
    Betsy Magovern
    Kelly Metzler & Dean Jackson
    Carol OSTROW '73 & Michael Graff
    Sally RIAL Phelps '58
    Nellie Lou JAFFE Slagle '55
    Ariana & Nicholas Smyth
    David Thomas & Jean Ferketish
    Hannah BRUSH Van Horn '57 & Neil Van Horn
    Louise Kay CHILDS Woodside '87 & Nevin Woodside
    Jordan ZAPPALA '99 & Melissa Zappala
  • Fifth Avenue Society ($2,500–$4,999)

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts between $2,500 and $4,999 to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Lachelle & Andrew Arnt
    Elisabeth Bennington & Brad Korinski
    Susan & David Brownlee
    Charlotte REED Carstens '02 & Liam Carstens
    Margaret MATHIESON Conver '73 & David Conver
    Paula & Francis Daily
    Ellen & Evan DiBiase
    Jen Gilbride-Brown & Colin Brown
    Catherine & Michael Haggerty
    Kirsten & John Hohm
    Emma GILMORE Kieran '96 & David Kieran
    Lilah Hilliard Fisher Foundation
    Mathieson Family Foundation
    Emily & Bryan Mills
    Kathleen MCMORRAN Murray '70
    Marisa PORTER '05
    Samantha & Kyle Roemer
    Carrie Sparks & Christopher Palmer
    Jill SWENSEN '87
    Rebecca Upham & William Viner
    Lilah FISHER Wise '95
  • Kentucky Avenue Society ($1,000–$2,499)

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts between $1,000 and $2,499 to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Jayne Adair & Basil Cox
    Elizabeth SUCCOP Altman '70 & Charles Altman
    Anonymous (2)
    Bernadette & Richard Ardemagni
    Leslie ROSENBERG Bellas '83
    Debby & Daniel Booker
    Doreen Boyce
    Kathy & Jim Braham
    Mary Breasted Smyth & Ted Smyth
    Martha ABRAMS Broderick '64
    Alyssa BURRELL Cowan '94 & David Cowan
    Stefanie & Ralph Burt
    Margaret MARSHALL Carothers '63 & F. Peter Carothers
    Cat MELLON Cathey '85
    Rita Coney & Aims Coney*
    Jennifer RODMAN Dawson Purdom '60
    Nancy BURCHFIELD Denney '47 & Thomas Denney
    Blythe BICKEL Edwards '59
    Jennifer LEHOCZKY Elliott '89
    Jean DAVIS Falk '56 & Sigo Falk
    Michelina Fato & Carl Snyderman
    Luciana FATO '84
    Blythe SANFORD Fawcett '97
    Linda CRAWFORD Fisher '70
    Nancy CONEY Forhan '80
    Mary Louise & Henry Gailliot
    Elsie & George Geiser
    Michelle GIRTS '70 & Darrel Van Coevering
    Mary & Richard Grant
    Kathleen Guinn
    Amanda & Steven Habershaw
    Margaret HARDON '79
    Ginnae HARLEY '88
    Sandra GLOCK Harrington '64 & John Harrington
    Henrietta Harris
    Daniel Heit
    Suzanne PROPST Honeycutt '67
    Leslie Schradin & Meredith Howard
    Esther Kang & Stephen Chen
    Sharon Kim & Alan Pretter
    Patricia Krimmel
    Meagan KRUMAN '04
    Sarah & Lars Kuehn
    Lee WHITEHILL Landes '62
    Eileen HALPERN Lane '64 & Nicholas Lane
    Lauren & Steve Laschon
    Victoria Lee & Otto Chu
    Naomi & James Leslie
    Katherine LINZER '04
    Jenny RYAN Machak '72
    Darcy FRANK Mackay '85
    Eileen McDonough-Kiley
    Lisa Merkel
    Cynthia & Reid Meyer
    Karla VAN HORN Mihm '84
    Marion BECKER Miller '54
    Michelle BRUNO Miller '98
    Bonnie McKNIGHT Murphy '67 & Randy Murphy
    Sandeep & Sunaina Nangia
    Patricia & Raymond Nepa
    Rebecca Nugent & Jamie McGovern
    Elizabeth VAUX Packard '56
    Judy AARON Penner '78
    Aparna Phadke & Shiv Goel
    Ann RUNNETTE Piper '60
    Gillian PORTER '09
    Richard King Mellon Foundation
    Amy Rigsby & Peter Adams
    Mona & Robert Riordan
    Laura & Jason Rock
    Sarah JORDAN Rosenson '99 & Jonathan Rosenson
    Abby SMITH Rumsey '70
    Shirley Rust & Murray Rust*
    Ann KILCHENSTEIN Scharpf '79
    Heather GREEN Skurek '01
    Susan BERGER Smerd '57 & Peter Smerd
    Toby Smith
    Andrea SEED Spear '96
    Kirsten SPITTEL '07
    Patricia DOOLITTLE Staley '62
    Susan STEVICK '64
    Cynthia STRAUSS '72
    Rose & William Strickland
    Gayle Tissue & Yiannis Kaloyeropoulos
    Mihaela & Adrian Visoiu
    Allyson & David Whitmer
    Wendy WOLF '67
    Martha & John Wolf
    Sibel & Sabri Yilmaz
    Darlene & Stanley Zin

Ellis Community Donors

List of 4 items.

  • Community Donors

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts to the Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Thank you!

    Cynthia ROGOFF Abrams '70 & Richard Abrams
    Amy ACHESON '80
    Nodira Achilova & Izzatulla Sadullaev
    Bonnie & Miller Adams
    Jeff, Mary Ellen, & Lisa Adams
    Emese & Francis Ainsworth
    Sue Swihart Albright
    Santina O'DONNELL Allen '91
    Alexis & Will Allen
    Rosemary Alley & Michael O'Toole
    Anne ALTER '83
    Eldona Alvarado
    Susan Amara & Geoffrey Murdoch
    Cynthia & Peter Amerman
    Rebecca Amis
    Joan & John Ammer
    Lisa & Steven Anderson
    Dina Angotti
    Anonymous (7)
    Barbara & William Anslow
    Jennifer Anwar & Eric Yajko
    Jolene & Bernard Appleman
    Deborah & Nick Aretz
    Jane Arkus
    Nancy MCKAY Armstrong '52
    Margaretta CONDERMAN Arnold '58
    Kris & Ronald Arnoni
    Katherine ASHWOOD '15
    Brandy Aven
    Eugenia AVERY '81
    Michelle Ayala
    Ellen Ayoob & Martin Shelly
    Christine & Vijay Bahl
    Susan Baida
    Madaline WENTWORTH Baker '55
    Anne EISAMAN Baker '46
    Mary Balich
    Lila BALISTRIERI '18
    Veronica Ballard
    Elizabeth DAVIS Banks '74
    Martha Banwell & Daniel Berkowitz
    Marion SCULLY Barbee '51
    Peter Barbor
    Melissa BARBOUR '63
    Laura Barbulescu & Gabriel Somlo
    Elizabeth BARNES '83
    Kathryn Barraclough & Omar Gharbawie
    Alison Barth & Wayne Wu
    Christina MITCHELL Bascom '62
    Heather & Urs Batzel
    Dalia Belinkoff & Ira Bergman
    Barbara Belknap
    Patricia Bellows
    Susan Belville & Lawrence Wood
    Christine & David Bennett
    Hallie BENNETT '09
    Holly BENSUR '11
    Sarah Bergbreiter & Joseph Schmid
    Cynthia Berger
    Howard Berger
    Allison BERGER '97
    Chantal & Michael Bernicky-Belmam
    Wendy GOLDSMITH Bernstein '81
    Kimberly Best
    Jennifer Betts
    Ruby & Rohit Bhargava
    Jean THOMPSON Bird '79
    Alessandro Bisello
    Louise FLEGER Bishop '52
    Stephanie WILDS Blackhurst '64
    Demeatria & J.G. Boccella
    Eugenie BODICK '68
    Sarah & James Bohnhoff
    Jean ROMUALDI Bongiovanni '77
    Alison BLOCK Bonn '96
    Kate DAVIS Booker '99 & Daniel Booker
    Silvia Boscolo & Richard Fredell
    Dorothy Boyer
    Karen & Thomas Boyer
    Jennifer DICK Braham '94
    Marsha & Alan Bramowitz
    Karen & Richard Brean
    Cher & Daniel Brennan
    Leah Brennan
    Lori Brenner
    Florence Brenner
    Olga Brindar & Morgan Simon
    Bobbi Britton-Tucker
    Stephanie BROFF '01
    Nancy Bromall Barry & Robert Barry
    Ronna BROMBERG Pachefsky '81
    Sara & Ted Brooke
    Christa & Jonathan Brown
    Dana Brown & Aaron DeHaven
    Anne BROWNLEE Fisher '92 & Andrew Fisher
    Sharon & Keith Bryner
    Cathy & Jeff Buck
    Suzanne AGNEW Buffum '61
    Emily Buland
    Patricia & Roy Bumsted
    Kandace & Larry Bunch
    Catharine CLARKE Burkett '62
    Tamara & Matthew Butler
    Barbara FLEMING Butts '56
    Audra & David Byer
    Leslie BYERS-Tarlo '90
    Kerry Byrne & Patrick Byrne Jr.
    Soledad Cabezas & Alexander Martin
    Larsen Cain
    Danielle Cain
    Lauren WOLK Calig '83 & Jeffrey Calig
    Pam PROPST Campbell '65
    Lisa & Dale Caprara
    Allison CAREY '98
    Sally & James Carey
    Ronald Carstens
    Rosemary CASEY Carter '52
    Stephanie Carter & Tyrone Brooks
    Gina Casalegno & Matthew O'Brien
    Lynn STEIN Cassady '80
    Alyssa Catalano & Michael Studebaker
    Brittany & Luke Caulfield
    Nina KOROS Cavalier '85
    Annie CESTRA '10
    Annie & Dennis Cestra
    Sarah Ceurvorst
    Tonya & Edward Chacon
    Julia CHEEVER '62
    Andrea Christian-Michaels
    Jessica Christie
    Jennifer Chung
    Jeanne & Joseph Cirilano
    Jennifer & John Ciroli
    Anne CLARK '01
    Mavis Close
    Jenny & Warren Coax
    Carol Cobb
    Sari & Adam Cohen
    Paige COHEN '07
    Ann COHEN '70
    Amy Cohen
    Audrey Collins & Scott Dingle
    Diane POWELL Collins '73
    Elizabeth & Michael Collura
    Danielle & Maurice Commodore Walker
    Karen & Daniel Compton
    Karen & William Congelio
    Allison & James Conner
    Michelle Cook
    Valire Copeland
    Susan Corbesero
    Jacquelyn Correll
    Gretchen MERTZ Cowell '76
    Eric Cox
    Constance HILLIARD Coyne '68
    Melinda CRAMER '93
    Natalie CRAMER '88
    Susan CREIGHTON '75
    Cory Crone
    Patricia Crosby
    Laina CROSS '13
    Amy Crosson & John Soluri
    Fredrica Cryan
    Laurie BATCHELAR Culbertson '62
    Simon Cummings
    Gretchen CUPP '65
    Sharae Curd & Christopher Curd
    Mary WALTON Curley '42
    Jacquelyn & Chris Cynkar
    Virginia & Eric Cyrus
    Pamela & Louis D'Abruzzo
    Alexia Dabat
    Barrie TODD Dahl '79
    Helen Daley
    Jaclynn Dame
    Sheena & Derek Dauphin
    Elizabeth DAVIS '77
    Freddy MILLER Davis '72
    Alice MUNSON Davis '64
    Mary DAVIS '83
    Sallie Belle DAVIS '76
    Katherine DAVIS-Guay '76
    Barbara & George Davison
    Sallie de VOU '52
    Kim DeBaldo
    Nancy & Peter Del Presto
    Louise MULERT Delafield '52
    Rachel Delphia & Casey Helfrich
    Stephanie & Steven DeLucia
    Marilyn & Larry Deppen
    Marguerite CHILDS Detmer '70
    Blair EDDY DeVan '78
    Dulcie DEVITT '69
    Lindy KIRKPATRICK Dick '65
    Joan MORRIS DiMicco '91
    Patricia ELLIS DiNatale '92
    Laura & Elliot Dinkin
    Nicole & Craig Dobson
    Melissa Dodge & Mark Rutherford
    Mary & Edward Donnelly
    Willa Doswell
    Ashley Dotson
    Heather & Ted Douglas
    Margaret CUTTER Douglas '81
    Jeanne & Robert Drennan
    Karen Dreyer
    Veronica Dristas & Shankar Raman
    Veleda VAN HORN Drometer '86
    Tamara & Jay Dubowitz
    Margaret Dudek
    Annette HANNAH Dunkelman '65
    Mary BALPH Dusch-Chavern '44
    Sivan & Nicolas Earnest
    Genevieve EBBERT '62
    Shayla Edmonds-Spencer & Shawntae Spencer
    Melinda MOLYNEAUX Edwards '76
    Alexandra MUSE Ehrlich '85
    Esther Elishaev & Michael Boyiadzis
    Anne ELLIOTT '62
    Pamela ELLIS '81
    Irene & Demetrius Ellis
    Luise MALLINGER Erdmann '59
    Kristen & Kyle Erickson
    Emily ERSTLING '98
    Amy & Grant Ervin
    Nancy Ervin
    Clarissa ERVING '59
    Helena Estes
    Collyn Evans & Derek Fink
    Elizabeth CUTTER Evert '76
    Cara & Colin Fagan
    Colleen & James Fägersten
    Patrick Fägersten & Ellen Gawalt
    Fleur FAIRMAN '74
    Kristy & Stephen Fairman
    Nancy CAMPBELL Fales '57
    Ming-Hui Fan & Andrew Merry
    Melody Farrin
    Annamaria FATO '79
    MaryAnn & Frank Fazio
    Denise Fazio
    Helen Ference
    Jessica Ferringer & Terry Boring
    Christopher Fiano
    Donna & Jeremy Ficca
    Daniel Filippelli
    Elizabeth & Alan Finegold
    Amanda Finigan
    Nora & Donald Fischer
    Sarah FISHER '63
    Linda FLEGER-Berman '56
    Kay FLEISCHNER '20
    Jean ARMENTROUT Foley '54
    Brooks FOLLANSBEE '83
    Crystal Fortwangler
    Nancy BRADSHAW Foster '78
    Harry Frazee
    Carolyn & Alex Frischer
    Antoinette Fromm
    Wakana & Masashi Furukawa
    Hallie & Jack Gaddess
    Margot LEWIS Gaffney '07
    Daniel Garcia
    Jane & Gerard Gawalt
    Melanie Gay
    Florabelle MARTIN Getz '73
    Betsy & Charles Gianakas
    Thomas Gill
    Elizabeth Gillespie & David Hamilton
    Nancy GILLIES '60
    Susan DICKEY Gilmore '65
    Kelly Gleason
    Elizabeth & Aaron Goldberg
    Linda & Foster Goldman
    Racelle & Morton Goldstein
    Hanina GOLDSTEIN '80
    Leslie Golomb & Ronald Hartman
    Kristi Good & Charles Reinert III
    Cynthia & Mark Goodman
    Emily GOODMAN '05
    Marcy CONNELLY Gookin '74
    Betty WOLF Greenberg '63
    Marjorie Greenberger 
    Lesha & Enzo Greene
    Liz & Eric Greenfield
    Sheila MCCREERY Griffin '66
    Jayla Griggs
    Ann Lee GRIMSTAD '88
    Ralph Gross
    Beverly GROUDINE '72
    Carol EBBERT Hackett '65
    Poupak Haghighi & Hamid Akbarian
    Janet HAHN '70
    Kristi UDDSTROM Haigh '64
    Jessie Hainesworth
    Allison Hayley & Keith Bryner
    Mimi Halpern
    Patricia HAMILTON '60
    Alice KUST Harding '69
    Patricia Hargest
    Gloria & George Harley
    Rachael Hart
    Alessandra HARTKOPF '08
    Katherine WATSON Hast '73
    Tami HAUSMAN '85
    Martha HAVERSTICK '72
    Shayla Hawkins
    Anne HAZLETT '09
    Edith & Walter Hazlett
    Laura HAZLETT '07
    Mary HAZLETT '12
    Nancy HAZLETT '69 & R. Stanton Wettick Jr.
    Wendy Myers Heinz
    Susan & Morry Heller
    Leah & Rabih Helou
    Mary LAUFMAN Hemphill '65
    Maria & Mark Henderson
    Tonya HENRY '84
    Valerie Herrero
    Lisa Herring & Whitney Finnstrom
    Michelle HERWALD '64
    Lolly BELL Hetherington '59
    Amy Hieber
    Elisa Hill
    Marshawna Hill
    Sabrina Hill
    Yvonne & Chad Hilton
    Judith Hoffmann Shackney
    Jennifer & Larry Honig
    Lisa & Timothy Honkala
    Sarah CURTIS Hooper '95
    Gerald Horsley
    Paige COCHENOUR Houser '05
    Barbara VAUX Howell '52
    Rebekah HUGHEY '94
    Alison & James Huguley
    Lisa & Paul Hummert
    Marguerite HUNSIKER '67
    Robert Hunt
    Bettyanne & James Huntington
    Elsbeth GILMORE Iannone '91
    Diane Igoche
    Shirley & Lawrence Ireland
    Timothy Israel
    Kelly & Nathan Iverson
    Casey JACKSON '10
    Sharon Jackson
    Vanessa & Kevin Jameson
    Katherine & Scott Jamison
    Elizabeth & Seth Janavitz
    Margaret STECK Jarboe '64
    Paula Jernigan & Andrew Laman
    Priyanka Jhala & Sameer Sharma
    Jettie BERGMAN Johnston '54
    Patricia & Edward Jones
    Patricia Jones
    James Jones
    Susan & Stephen Jordan
    Diana DICKEY Joss '62
    Kristin & Richard Kalson
    Elizabeth APPLEMAN Kaplan '97
    Suzanne & Edward Karlovich
    Janemary Karuga & Raphael Gachuhi
    Sylvia COHEN Kaufman '53
    James Kaufold
    Nicole Kelly
    Morgen KELLY '88 & Chadd Nesbit
    Brianne Kelly
    Rachel KOTYS Kemrer '97
    Sandy Kessler Kaminski & John Kaminski
    Ava Kilgore
    Julia KILPATRICK '00
    Gina Kilpela
    Carli & Justin King
    Aisha & Raymond King
    Michelle FRONTERA Kirkpatrick '91
    Stefi Kirschner & Gilbert Schneider
    Beth Kissileff & H. Jonathan Perlman
    Karen & Harry Kissileff
    Patricia & Harvey Klein
    Marcia Klein-Patel & Jayesh Patel
    Jane & Lee Klingenberg
    Kristin KLINGENBERG '89 & Thaddeus Merriman
    Porter BALL Knight '85
    Mary BERGER Knowles '69
    Robin HEITNER Koffman '87
    Demi Kolke
    Catia & Yuval Kossovsky
    Laurance Kotys
    Genevieve Kozusko
    Danielle & Alexander Kranjec
    Marny MORRIS Krause '62
    Carol Krescanko
    Karen KRIEGER '75
    Gretchen & Charles Krimmel
    Lisa & John Kristian
    Brian Krugle
    Susan & Eric Kruman
    Deborah Kuchta*
    Marilyn Kunka
    Amy Kunkle & Kevin Fitzgerald
    Roslyn SUGERMAN Kurland '59
    Andrea KUST '72
    Andrew Kysel
    Caroline STEWART Lacey '67
    Seema Lakdawala & Thomas Winter
    Jennifer Lakin
    Tabatha & Blake Lakomy
    Kathy LAMPL '69
    Cara & Robert LaRoche
    Denise & Jason LaRosa
    Renee Lasin & Daniel Rosen
    Julia Laurin & Jonathan Woon
    Terrina & Dan LaVallee
    Diana Lawry
    Annie Lawson
    Valerie Le Sage & Luke Mackenzie
    Susan Lee
    Mona STEIN Legator '79
    Mary Louise & John Lehoczky
    Danielle & Keith LeJeune
    Patricia SPEAR Lemer '64
    Erin LEMON '96
    Susan SCHEINMAN Leonard '64
    Jill Leontiadis
    Beth Leu
    Jessica Levenson & Evan Durst
    Heidi SUGERMAN Levinson '65
    Mildred Lewis
    Davis Lewis
    Yeheng Li & Hua Xing
    Jane Liebschutz & Roger Zimmerman
    Sage LINCOLN '12
    Jing & Chunming Liu
    Lauren & Darren Lloyd
    Anne MAGNUSSEN Lockhart '79
    Michelle Logan
    Michele Lombardi
    John Lovelace
    Christine & John Lubimir
    Caroline Lynett
    Blythe JONES Lyons '73
    Troy Lyons
    Carley LEONARD MacDonald '50
    Camelia Mackey
    Lynette MacLeod
    Marie PROPST MacPhail '63
    Amanda & Adrian Mahoney
    Rebecca GOODMAN Maine '96
    Kathleen Malley
    Sarita & Rob Mallinger
    Ashley MALLON '06
    Theresa & Richard Malmstrom
    Alexis MAMAUX '83
    Joan & Walter Mancing
    Ruth WICK Manson '44
    Deane MARCHBEIN '68
    Janet Markel
    Barbara JANES Marks '66
    Melinda Marley
    Brenda Martinez
    Katherine FISHER Martinez '99
    Ann Martino
    Margaret Martone
    Linda APTER Mates '74
    Danya & Scott Matthews
    Holly Mawn
    Jessica ARNOLD Mayerson '77
    Denell McArthur
    DeForest McArthur
    Kathryn MAY McBride '93
    Jean McSWIGAN McCague '46
    Anna Binney McCague & Anthony McCague
    Anna-Binney McCague & Abdesalam Soudi
    Jennifer McClay & Kevin Cvercko
    Heather McClellenad Greening
    Crystal McCormick
    Briana Mccoy & Kenneth Valentine
    Tara & Patrick McElfresh
    Denise & Bernard McGinley
    Susan BELL McIntosh '61
    Patricia HAZLETT McKenna '75
    Alexandra SINGER McKim '94
    Melisa & William McNabb
    John & Sue McNeil
    Sarah McNEIL '00
    Kimberly & Ken Mechling
    Elise MEDEIROS '13
    Deanne Medlen
    Raemona Merchant-Lewis & Terence Lewis
    Jean Mercier
    Natalia Mestvirishvili & Waleed Gowharji
    Louise PORTER Meyer '59 & William Meyer
    Pamela MILLER '67
    Stephanie Minton
    Alice MITINGER '81
    Louise MITINGER '85
    Sarah & William Mocker
    Karen & Charles Moellenberg
    Isabelle Moldovan
    Jaclyn Moldovan
    Barbara & Robert Moore
    Frances WALTON Moore '49
    Laurin EDSON Moore '79
    Theresa & Tory Moore
    Augusta OFF Moravec '68
    Alice GEALY Morigi '56
    John Moses
    Gail Mosites
    Nancy BROWN Moyle '67
    Jennifer & Robert Moynihan
    Mertyce MRVOS '84
    Pauline FOSTER Mullins '59 & Brian Mullins*
    Fawn Murcray & Brian Gonzalez
    Brenda & Boyd Murray
    Tina & Volker Musahl
    Diane & John Musgrave
    Elaine Musgrave & Michael Wood-Vasey
    Judith Myers
    Maxine & Benjamin Mysliwiec
    Hanifa Nakiryowa
    Christine Nalitz
    Melonie Nance & Umamaheswar Duvvuri
    Swayzine & Jerome Nance
    Deepa Nayak & Anupam Palit
    Kennedy BECKWITH Nelson '73
    Chanel & Eric Nernberg
    Robin Newham
    Anne RIAL Nicholas '61
    Renee NOGALES '89
    Jessica & Jason Nolan
    Liesel & Kevin Nolan
    Kathleen & Matthew Noorbakhsh
    Lisa NORRIS Traugott '79
    Carol Ann RANSON O'Keefe '65
    Susan Oberg Lane
    Ally & Trevor Okonak
    Sophia & Kelechi Oleka
    Amy HAMMERSCHMIDT Oliver '90
    Marian Opoku-Dakwa
    Ashley & Ben Orbach
    Thaddeus Osial
    Abby Overacre-Delgoffe & Greg Delgoffe
    Betsey BEESON Owens '54
    Suzanne Pace & Timothy Kaulen
    Lynn Paine
    Robert Paine
    Catherine Palmer
    Stacie & Joseph Parente
    Delia & Timothy Parks
    John & Susan Parran
    Robin MacGREGOR Parsons '77
    Frances & William Pastor
    David Pastrick
    Melissa BAIR Peirce '77
    Amy Perciner
    Diane & Alan Perer
    Susan Petersen & Stefan Frembgen
    Kristina PETRONKO '98
    Susan SCHAEFER Pettler '62
    April EILER Pinney '60
    Monica & Walter Ploskon
    Joseph Plummer
    Alissa MANCUSO Poole '90 & William Poole
    Lisa Porter & Robert Davis
    Jill Portland
    Mildred Posvar
    Karin & Douglas Potoka
    Linda & Sam Prepelka
    Jacklyn & Andrew Prepelka
    Helene Pretter
    Emily Price & Ryan O'Donnell
    Rebecca Price & Andy Macfarlane
    Dana PRUSZYNSKI '00
    Betsy HAVERSTICK Pugh '71
    Lauren Purcell & Keith Dougall
    Carolina VELEZ Quatrini '06
    Elizabeth ROSS Radigonda '02
    Rachel & Jason Ramaley
    Rini BANERJEE Ratan '87
    Pamela & Mark Rath
    Samuel Rauhala
    Yana Raynus & Mike Levin
    Diane Reckless
    Anna Redcay & Isaac Bower
    Caroline FOLLANSBEE Redington '65
    Tina & Joel Reed
    Diane Samuels & Ralph Reese
    Luci Regrut & Edwin Brooks
    Joan & James Reich
    Marie & James Reilly
    Angelique & Brandon Reines
    Lowrie EBBERT Reiter '70
    Abbey & Mark Renfrew
    Angela LIBERTO Rex '00
    Jean DRUCKER Reznick '75
    Madeline & Edward Richardson
    Mary IRWIN Ries '57
    Victoria & Damian Rispoli
    Candice Ritchey
    April Roberson
    Pamela BUTLER Roberts '63
    Sandra MARHOEFER Roberts '73 & Richard Roberts
    Donna Roberts
    Erica & Eric Roberts
    Carol ROBINSON '73
    Susie GELLATLY Robinson '66
    Leslie ROBINSON '96
    Eileen SCHAEFER Rogér '64
    Sabina & Peter Rosenfeld
    Amy ROSENZWEIG '84
    Emily Ross & Jeremy Koempel
    Steven Roth
    Mary Lou & James Rothbauer
    Elizabeth McPARLAND Rozek '61
    Jean RUFFIN '45
    Edmund Ruffin
    Katherine RULLO '06
    Margaret SLOAN Runnette '62
    Stephanie KALSON Rushforth '95 & David Rushforth
    Susan CLAY Russell '77
    Nina Sacco
    Anjali Sachdeva
    Rachel & Daniel Sackrowitz
    Amy HUNTINGTON Salerno '93
    Hillary Santel
    Elizabeth Santos
    Laura CHILDS Saverin '72
    Karen SAYLES '76
    Nancy & William Sayles
    Lindley HUNTER Scarff '66
    Meghan Scaringi
    Maria-Rosa & Daniel Schaarschmidt
    Pamela SCHAFF '72
    Nyra & Jesse Schell
    Mikell COOPER Schenck '61
    Bethany Schimonsky
    Jamie Beth COHEN Schindler '93
    Veronica ROCHER Schmerling '74
    Thomas Schmidt
    Katharine REA Schmitt '62
    Rachel SCHNEIDER '07
    Eric Schulte
    Roberta & Jonathan Schwartz
    Mariellen Schwentker
    Shayla Scott
    Beth & Ben Seaman
    Elizabeth & Joseph Seamans
    Sally & Lanny Seed
    Jane SEGAL '73
    Anita ARND Seifert '56* & Edward Seifert
    Mary & Bryan Seip
    Liz & Blair Seip
    Erin & Rad Sellner
    Lisa SEPESY '78
    Anna SHABALOV '06
    Laxmi Shah & Lance Lindauer
    Megan & George Shaw
    Kimberly FRANK Shaw '87
    Susan MacGREGOR Shaw '78
    Katherine & Thomas Sheppard
    Carolyn SHI '97
    Zhishen Yu Shi & Weizhong Shi
    Ellen TIM Shields '63
    Nancy MUSE Shore '88
    Nancy Shurlow & Mark Schervish
    Amy Sidari
    Lora STEVENSON Sigesmund '77
    Marian & Pat Siler
    Dana Siler & Anukul Kapoor
    Mary POHL Simasek '97
    Jeri & William Simon
    Colleen & Roy Sims
    Mindy & Ian Sipula
    Alisia & Carl Skipper
    Nancy STECK Slade '62
    Amye & Christopher Sledge
    Jamie Sloan
    Jamie & Michael Smith
    Kathleen TENER Smith '61
    Corinne McGINLEY Smith '01 & Joshua Smith
    Pamela KLINE Smith '76
    Francine Smith
    Nancy Smith
    Jessica ROMUALDI Snare '77
    Samantha & Ryan Snider
    Caren & Howard Sniderman
    Margaret GARVIN Snyder '64
    Martha VOGT Snyder '62
    Kristen WALTER Sobel '05
    Melissa Sokulski
    Jacqueline & Sebastian Somen
    Jennifer & Jason Somma
    Alyssa & Kyle Southerlin
    Richard Sovchen
    Krista & Jeremy Springer
    Lynne St. Hilaire
    Tracy & Chad Staller
    Jessica & Luke Stamper
    Stacy & Robert Stanton
    Julie STARK '74
    Nina STARK-Slapnik '70
    Jennifer & Stephen Stein
    Susan Sternburg & James Epstein
    Sharon McCLAY Stewart '79
    Yvonne Stone & Scott Richardson
    Genevieve & Mike Strazisar
    Sara Sturdevant
    Bareara SULLIVAN '02
    Zhongxin Sun
    Whitney OKONAK Sunday '98 & Michael Sunday
    Sasha SUTHERLAND Nunes '96
    Penny Suwak
    Emily & Scott Sweeny
    Linda & Tim Sweeny
    Jason Swoger
    Susan GILBERT Tabor '70
    Alessia Tandin & John Keelan
    Mayela & Shawn Taylor
    Martha Terry
    Elissa McCARTHY Tessier '95
    Ayana & Aaron Teter
    Jamna & J.K. Thakkar
    Sunita THAKKAR Mahtani '95 & Mahesh Assomull Mahtani
    Katherine WALTER Thiels '04
    Amelia THOMAS '12
    Eleanor THOMAS '13
    Joshua Thomas
    Katherine MILLER Thomas '70
    Meera AGARWAL Thompson '69
    Lauren THOMPSON '83
    Leah & Darren Thompson
    Marion Thompson
    Holly BRENT Thyen '87
    Julia TOAL '02
    Charlotte & David Toal
    Diane KAUFMANN Tobin '70
    Lisa TODD '78
    Barbara SCHEETZ Todd '54
    Kristy Tomashewski
    Molly SINGER Tomasi '95
    Angela & John Tondra
    Linda Tonetti Dugan
    Diana Toole
    Julia MATHEWS Trelease '55
    Helen & James Trent
    Holly EBBERT Troup '91
    Margaret TSUDIS '06
    Jon Tucker
    Terri McKEE Tumlin '58
    Kristin Udvari & Philip Bender
    Janet & James Ummer
    Lee-Anna Upperman
    Ann REYNOLDS Urban '54
    Jennifer Valentino
    Anne & Ralph Valentino
    Mary VAN BUSKIRK '80
    Beatrice Vasser
    Margaret CRANE Vaughan '79 & Jeffrey Vaughan
    Harini & Varun Venugopal
    Robert Vinson
    Dana Vitko
    Veronica & Dennis Volchek
    Shada Wadi-Ramahi & Ahmad Hussein
    Kassandra Wadsworth
    Linda DENNEY Wagner '72
    Lisa Wagner
    Jennifer Waldron & Benoni Outerbridge
    Richard Walker
    Katharine HANNAH Walker '62
    Ellen CARROLL Walton '50
    Nancy WANDERER '65 & Susan Sanders
    Yan Wang & Guojun Liu
    Shannon & Berry Wanless
    Sallie McKEE Warden '54
    Jessica & Colin Warman
    Carol TYMESON Warmuth '80
    Christine & Alphonso Warren
    Vanessa WILDS Wassenar '69
    Betsy & Charles Watkins
    Sara Weeks-Gloddy & Christian Gloddy
    Katie Weidenboerner Deppen & Colin Deppen
    Marian Weil
    Stephanie & Doug Whaley
    Christine White
    Devon & James Whiteford
    Carol SCHARFE Widing '59
    Sandra WIDLAN '86
    Gail STEWART Will '65
    Jane FREELAND Williams '57
    Amy ATWELL Williams '72
    Debbie & John Williams
    Samuel Williamson
    Jane KYLE Willock '61
    Auropun Wilojanapa
    Rachel & Khayree Wilson
    Teresa Wilson
    Lauren Wilson & Stephanie Burrows
    Tracey WILSON '75
    Carol & Richard Winter
    Barbara & Michael Wollman
    Devon Wood & Ian Winter
    Cynthia Wood
    Margot BELL Woodwell '53
    Kay & Raymond Woon
    Barbara & David Wright
    Wendy Wu
    Stephanie PRINCE Wyatt '87
    Peta WYLLIE '70
    Toby Yanowitz & Darrell Rapp
    Virginia & J. Scott Yaruss
    Sharla Yates & Paul Seif
    Peggy Yoo & Thomas Polzin
    Nathan Young
    Wei Yuan & Wei Li
    Ursula ZANGRILLI '02
    Ursula & Albert Zangrilli
    Shui Ying & Yi Qiu Zhang
    Shimin Zhang
    Yu Zhang & Wei Gao
  • Ellisian Society

    The Ellisian Society recognizes individuals who have provided for the future financial strength of Ellis through planned giving vehicles such as their will or living trust through a bequest, a distribution from an IRA, or a designation from their retirement assets and/or life insurance policies.

    Joy KINNEMAN Blenko '43* & Walter J. Blenko, Jr.*
    Dorothy BRADLEY Brown '34*
    Alice REED Buchanan '39*
    Judith COHEN Callomon '54*
    Andrea Christian-Michaels
    Marion CLIFFORD '54*
    Anita Courcoulas & Ira Gumberg
    Jennifer RODMAN Dawson Purdom '60
    Margaret BREWER Dowler '33*
    Genevieve EBBERT '62
    Anne BECKER Egbert '49*
    Linda CRAWFORD Fisher '70
    Susan George
    Jacquelyn Gregory-Rauzan & Charles Rauzan
    Julia HOWARD Grimstad '57*
    Sandra GLOCK Harrington '64 & John Harrington
    Suzanne PROPST Honeycutt  '67
    Macon HOWARD '54*
    Kelly BREEN Hunt '92
    Janet Jacobs*
    Nicole Kelly
    Jane & Lee Klingenberg
    Susan SCHEINMAN Leonard '64
    Blythe JONES Lyons '73
    Mary Louise HEINDENKAMP Magnus '41
    Gretchen GANTNER McCague '52*
    Mary KINTER McEldowney '37*
    Robin Newham
    Mildred GOLDSMITH Palley '74
    Kathleen OLIVER Parker '43*
    April EILER Pinney '60
    Christine HEITZENRODER Quillian '91
    Elizabeth Reese*
    Laurie RENZ '63
    Eleanor B. Scheetz*
    Carolyn SHI '97
    Joan DODDS Shrader '32*
    Anica REED Smith '61 & David Smith
    Mary Jane SHUMAN Stewart '40*
    Elizabeth BLACKBURN Taylor '44*
    Susan & Robert Thibadeau
    Sylvia & John Van Jura
    Sarah KING Wilmer '58*
    Stephanie PRINCE Wyatt '87
  • Spring Her Forward Sponsors

    Thank you to all the sponsors who supported our annual parent-led fundraising event, Spring Her Forward.

    UPMC Health Plan
    Dollar Bank
    ACME Machine & Welding
    BBR Benefits Solutions, LLC
    Bennington Law Firm
    Esther Kang & Stephen Chen
    HB Retirement Plan Services
    Mary Breasted Smyth & Ted Smyth
    Metz Culinary Management
    PWWG Architects
    Sisterson Certified Public Accountants & Consultants
    The Law Firm of Tucker Arensberg
  • Foundations, Corporations, and Organizations

    The Ellis School is grateful to the following corporations, organizations, and foundations for their support of the 2021–2022 Ellis Fund, the Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program, capital initiatives, designated gifts, or endowed funds.

    Acme Machine & Welding Co, LLC
    Allegheny Mineral Corporation
    Allegheny Roofing & Sheet Metal Company, Inc.
    AmazonSmile Foundation
    Anonymous (4)
    Arts, Equity, & Education Fund
    Bartlett Foundation
    Bennington Law Firm, LLC
    BBR Benefits Solutions, LLC
    Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund
    Chu Investment Counsel, Inc.
    Ciervo Foundation
    Coca-Cola Give
    Dollar Bank
    DSF Charitable Foundation
    Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
    First Capital Corporation, Inc.
    First National Bank
    Fleischner Family Charitable Foundation
    Flyspace Productions
    G.A. Wozniak & Associates
    HB Retirement Plan Services
    Hudson Community Foundation
    James M. and  Lucy K. Schoonmaker Foundation
    Jendoco Construction Corporation
    Jewish Communal Fund
    Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
    John R. McCune Charitable Trust
    Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation
    Kaufman Foundation
    Lilah Hilliard Fisher Foundation
    Mary's Mix Fund
    Mathieson Family Foundation
    Metz Culinary Management
    Morgan Stanley GIFT
    National Philanthropic Trust
    National Philanthropic Trust Transatlantic
    Paul & Dina W. Block Foundation
    Paypal Charitable Giving Fund
    PWWG Architects
    Philadelphia Insurance Companies
    Pittsburgh Veterinary Cardiology, Inc.
    Renaissance Charitable
    Richard King Mellon Foundation
    Schwab Charitable Fund
    Simpson & McCrady LLC
    Sisterson & Co. LLP
    Smithfield Trust Company
    The Burke Foundations Partnership
    The Chicago Community Foundation
    The Double Eagle Foundation
    The Florence Boyer Foundation
    The Flourish Group
    The law firm of Tucker Arensberg
    The Muse Foundation
    The Rust Foundation
    The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
    Triangle Foundry
    UPMC Health Plan
    Vanguard Charitable
    Waste Management

In Honor and In Memoriam Gifts

List of 62 items.

List of 61 items.

* - Indicates a donor who is deceased.